We provide personalized therapy for a wide range of Orofacial Myofunctional Disorders. Muscles that rest in the correct position and function in harmony will have a positive impact on facial growth and development, breathing, speech, dental health and more.
A complimentary assessment is an opportunity to ask questions and get to know your myofunctional therapist. This is followed by a comprehensive evaluation to assess and determine how many sessions will be needed.
An in-depth evaluation assesses orofacial dysfunction, a review health history, compensations, functionality and the creation of a plan for customized therapy.
Designed as a foundational program to achieve the four goals of OMT: nasal breathing, proper tongue posture, lip seal and proper swallowing pattern. The foundational program is composed of three phases to complete therapy: intensive phase, habituation phase and retention phase.
When a frenectomy is advised by your doctor or dentist, the pre and post operative care for the tongue is built into your myofunctional therapy program. Not only is it important to have specific post operative care to prevent reattachment of the tissue, but it is just as imperative to prepare before the procedure. Although orofacial myofunctional therapy is not physical therapy, it is similar to having a surgery and needing physical therapy before and after.
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